How Does Marijuana Rehab Work?

Marijuana rehab is a recovery process designed to help individuals overcome addiction to marijuana. The goal of this treatment program is to help individuals achieve lasting sobriety and build a successful life in recovery. There are several different types of marijuana rehab programs available, each designed to meet the unique needs of individuals struggling with addiction. Below we’ll outline how marijuana rehab programs typically work and what each stage of the process entails.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment is a type of marijuana rehab program that involves living at a treatment facility for several weeks or months, usually 30 to 90 days. Inpatient treatment provides individuals with a structured environment and intensive support to help them overcome their addiction. Treatment typically involves a combination of therapy, support groups, and other activities designed to promote long-term healing and recovery.

With this option, patients are removed from the triggers and stresses of their daily life to focus solely on their recovery. This can be especially important for those who have tried and failed to quit using marijuana on their own.

Inpatient rehab also provides access to a range of evidence-based therapies that can help patients address the underlying issues that contribute to their addiction. These may include individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy. They may also participate in activities like art therapy, yoga, and meditation, which can help promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Another benefit of inpatient rehab is that it provides a safe and secure environment for detoxification. When someone stops using marijuana after a period of heavy use, they may experience withdrawal symptoms that can be uncomfortable or even dangerous. In a supervised setting, patients can receive medical attention and support to manage their withdrawal symptoms and minimize discomfort.

While inpatient rehab can be an effective treatment option for those struggling with marijuana addiction, it is important to choose a treatment center that is experienced in treating substance abuse disorders. The center should have qualified medical professionals on staff and offer evidence-based therapies that have been shown to be effective for addiction treatment.

Marijuana Rehab

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient marijuana rehab is a treatment option for individuals who are struggling with marijuana addiction but are able to maintain their daily responsibilities, such as work or school. This type of treatment allows patients to receive professional support and treatment for their addiction while still being able to live at home and continue with their routine.

Outpatient rehab typically involves attending therapy sessions, individual or group counseling, and educational classes on addiction and relapse prevention. Treatment plans are tailored to each patient’s individual needs and may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, and other evidence-based therapies.

Patients attend scheduled appointments at the treatment center for therapy and counseling sessions and may also be required to participate in drug testing to ensure their sobriety. Outpatient rehab typically lasts several months, with the frequency of appointments decreasing as the patient progresses in their recovery.

One of the benefits of outpatient rehab is that it allows patients to apply what they learn in treatment to their everyday life. Patients can practice coping skills and relapse prevention techniques in real-life situations while still having the support of their treatment team.

However, outpatient rehab may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with severe addiction or those who lack a supportive environment at home may benefit more from inpatient rehab, which provides a more intensive level of care.

Elements of Marijuana Rehab Treatment

Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment and evaluation during marijuana rehab involve a comprehensive evaluation of the individual’s drug use history, medical and mental health status, and other factors that may impact their treatment and recovery. This process aims to develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of the individual. This includes the following:

  • Physical Examination: A medical evaluation may be conducted to assess the individual’s overall health and identify any medical issues that may need to be addressed during treatment.
  • Substance Use History: The individual may be asked about their marijuana use history, including how long they have been using, how much, and how often they use.
  • Mental Health Evaluation: The individual’s mental health may be evaluated to identify any co-occurring mental health disorders, such as depression or anxiety, that may be contributing to their drug use.
  • Family and Social History: The individual’s family and social history may be evaluated to identify any factors that could be contributing to their drug use, such as a history of trauma or family dysfunction.
  • Readiness for Change: The individual’s readiness for change may be assessed to determine their motivation to change their drug use behavior and their willingness to participate in treatment.
  • Risk Assessment: The individual’s risk for relapse and other negative outcomes may be assessed to help develop a treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and circumstances.

Marijuana Rehab


The first step in most marijuana rehab programs is detoxification, which involves clearing the body of marijuana and any other substances. Detox is typically done under the supervision of medical professionals, as withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable and potentially dangerous. Medical professionals may use medications to help manage withdrawal symptoms and will monitor individuals closely to ensure they are safe and comfortable during the detox process.


Therapy is a key component of most marijuana rehab programs. Different types of therapy may be used, depending on the individual’s specific needs and circumstances. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common form of therapy used in marijuana rehab. The main focus of CBT is to note and try to change the thought patterns and behaviors that are negative and contributing to addiction. Other forms of therapy may include family therapy, group therapy, and motivational interviewing.

Support Groups

Support groups can be an important part of marijuana rehab, providing individuals with a safe and supportive community of people who understand what they are going through. Support groups may be led by a therapist, counselor, or peer. 12-step programs, such as Marijuana Anonymous, are a common form of support group used in marijuana rehab.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) may be used in some marijuana rehab programs to help individuals manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Medications such as naltrexone, buprenorphine, and methadone can effectively reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings and help individuals stay sober while they work on their recovery.


Aftercare is an essential part of marijuana rehab, as it provides individuals with ongoing support and resources to help them maintain their sobriety and build a successful life in recovery. Aftercare may involve ongoing therapy, support groups, sober living arrangements, and other resources designed to help individuals achieve long-term success in recovery.

Overall, marijuana rehab can be a highly effective treatment option for those struggling with addiction. By using evidence-based therapies, providing a supportive environment, and addressing underlying issues, individuals can overcome their addiction and develop the skills needed to maintain their sobriety in the long term. Whether it’s through outpatient or inpatient rehab, seeking professional help is crucial in achieving lasting recovery.