What Happens After Heroin Rehab?

Completing rehab does not guarantee lifetime sobriety. Once you have been strained by addiction, you need to work hard on sustaining your recovery all through your life. Anytime, relapse can come knocking at your door even after a long period of living sober. This is the reason why there are necessary interventions that you should continuously take after rehab.

The first six months after your treatment can be a vulnerable phase that challenges everything you have learned in the facility. You should not take this path lightly, or all by yourself because that can be lonely and stressful. Moments like this can potentially trigger thoughts of using the substance and spark cravings for using it again.

You must take good care of yourself after rehab. Here are a few things you should live by to keep you on the right track after rehab.

Continuing therapy sessions

After Heroin RehabTherapy sessions are supposed to continue after rehab. Apart from that, it is a requirement to be actively engaged. That means you have to stay committed to attending your sessions and performing what is asked of you to do. A lot of people disregard this routine which is why they become easily susceptible to relapse.

Some patients from inpatient treatment are advised by their physicians to continue treatment through outpatient care. This is necessary, and not optional. If you are not advised to take this path, you are still expected to find and join a support group that is available in your nearest area. Here are more details for these options.

Outpatient care

Outpatient care consists of programs similar to inpatient treatment, however; it takes place in a hospital or rehab facility once a week. It is less expensive and it allows you to continue with your day-to-day responsibilities while staying on treatment. It is less intensive compared to inpatient care, but still, it consists of rigorous programs you should not miss.

Sober living homes

This is a setup intended for those who have no homes to go to after rehab. People intend to stay away from families or relatives who are using the drug and temporarily stay in sober living homes. The program sets specific rules to follow, and that includes monitoring patients to attend their post-rehab treatment plan.

Support group

Among all the given options, the support group comes for free. They offer group therapy sessions and support to those who have recently gone out of rehab. They are helpful and necessary in sustaining sobriety. Most groups follow the 12-step program which is proven to be effective for people who have been through drug addiction.

Sustaining a healthy lifestyle

Heroin RehabA healthy lifestyle must be sustained as it strengthens the mind and the body to continuously combat oneself relapse. If you have been through addiction, it is important to keep yourself away from other substances such as alcohol or tobacco since they can affect your health and most likely trigger returning to drug abuse.

Living a healthy lifestyle is a necessary step to self-care. To perform this, here are highly recommended ways to help you boost your bodily functions and sustain a healthy psychological state.

Healthy diet and hydration

Fruits and vegetables have long proven to be effective in boosting immunity. This also brings an impact on healing your system from the strain of addiction. It provides enough energy to help you combat stressful situations. Staying hydrated also does the same benefit.

Physical and mental exercise

These are necessary post-rehab self-care. Engaging in light physical exercises such as jogging or swimming is likely to increase natural dopamine levels which stimulates a positive disposition. Mental exercises such as yoga or meditation are also great means to practice self-awareness

Managing stress

Heroin RehabYou most likely have established ways to manage your stress while you are under rehab care. However, life is full of surprises and some things can just be overwhelming in real life. You must track those instances that cause so much weight in your mind and release them in healthy ways, particularly without using the drug.

Managing stress is an essential skill that you need to constantly practice since stress is a common trigger for relapse. The following are great means you can take so that you can prevent yourself from being drained by stressful situations in life.

New hobbies and interests

By exploring new hobbies and interests, you are stimulating your mind with meaningful thoughts and ideas. This can restrain you from thinking about substance use, or even feeling lonely or stressed. Your support group is a great venue to find new companions in exploring exciting adventures and leisure activities.

Straying from potential triggers

Stray yourself from potential triggers. Do not dwell on people and places that are likely to remind you of your experiences of drug abuse. This will only cause you stress. It would be best to avoid occasions that will cause triggers. As simple as a scent or a face can make you vulnerable, so if you can still avoid it, then do so without hesitation.


An introspection is an act of constantly checking your inner self. This brings the advantage of knowing how you are based on your perspective. You can write a journal, spend time with nature and reflect, or take the time to be with yourself alone. With constant practice, it will be a habit that can give meaning to your life.

Seeking help

When you feel off about your disposition, do not hesitate to seek help. Sometimes it can be difficult to admit that you are struggling. But you have to understand that this can be a common occurrence after rehab and you should not just ignore it nor treat it as a minor thing.

Remember that self-awareness is key to sustaining recovery. By being aware of how you are feeling and what you are most thinking about, you can take the appropriate measures to help improve your disposition. Do not hesitate to call your therapist or open up any of your struggles to your support group.